Dr. Ashutosh Mangalam was interviewed on the significance of the microbiome in health and disease for “Health You” a quarterly health publication of the Cedar Rapids Gazette newspaper. In particular, Dr. Mangalam emphasized the critical role our diet plays in shaping our microbiome, which in turn helps to keep us healthy. Additionally, he underscored the need to better understand dysregulation of the microbiome in diseases such as multiple sclerosis, that can help us develop microbiome-based therapies.
The full text of the article is available at: https://www.thegazette.com/special-sections/understanding-the-human-microbiome/
Dr. Mangalam's research delves into unraveling the intricate connections between diet, the microbiome and human health, with a specific focus on multiple sclerosis. A key aim of his work is to harness the vast potential of the gut microbiome for future therapeutic applications.