Lian Alt
Working towards a B.S. in microbiology, class of 2026
I grew up in Boulder, CO but was originally adopted from China. This is my first year as an undergraduate research assistant. I don’t have much prior experience, so it has been great to work with everyone in the lab and learn about what they do. I have always been someone with a great deal of curiosity. Even when I was young, I was always interested in anything, big or small, involving life sciences and asking a lot of questions. This will be my second year in college and while I’m still not quite sure what I want to do, I do know what I don’t want. After being an intern for 5 years with equine vets in Colorado. I realized that I was not interested in practicing, whether it be human or animal. However, I still loved to be around and learn about not just what was happening, but how. My endless pit of questions has brought me into the world of research and so far, I am loving it! As I settle in, I hope to work with one person and their research specifically. When I’m not in the lab, I love spending time with my family and pets. My family owns horses and we all ride, too! I also enjoy a good movie, especially rom-coms and action films!