Meeta Yadav, MBBS, DCH
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
I completed my medical education in India. After moving to United States, I worked at Vanderbilt University and University of Connecticut Health Centre. I joined Mangalam’s lab to work on a project which involves understanding the role of microbiome in Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I plan to explore, specifically the ability of gut bacteria and fungi to modulate host immune responses in MS. I will utilize my clinical background and research experience to explore the role of gut microbiome in pathogenesis and progression of MS and hope to contribute in developing novel therapeutic strategies for MS.
- Analyses of T cell-mediated immune response to a human melanoma-associated antigen by the young and the elderly. Chakraborty NG, Yadav M, Dadras SS, Singh P, Chhabra A, Feinn R, Kerr PE, Grant-Kels JM, Mukherji B, Hegde UP. Human Immunol. 2013 May;74(5):640-7. doi: 10.1016/j.humimm.2013.01.015.
- Molecular defects in human carbamoy phosphate synthetase I: mutational spectrum diagnostic and protein structure considerations. Häberle J, Shchelochkov OA, Wang J, Katsonis P, Hall L, Reiss S, Eeds A, Willis A, Yadav M, Summar S; Urea Cycle Disorders Consortium, Lichtarge O, Rubio V, Wong LJ, Summar M. Human Mutation. 2011 Jun;32(6):579-89. doi: 10.1002/humu.21406.
- The hemochromatosis C282Y allele: a risk factor for hepatic veno-occlusive disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Kallianpur AR, Hall LD, Meeta Yadav, Byrne DW, Speroff T, Dittus RS, Haines JL, Christman BW, Summar ML. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2005 Jun;35(12):1155-64.
- Environmentally determined genetic expression: clinical correlates with molecular variants of carbamyl phosphate synthetase I. Summar ML, Hall L, Christman B, Barr F, Smith H, Kallianpur A, Brown N, Yadav M, Willis A, Eeds A, Cermak E, Summar S, Wilson A, Arvin M, Putnam A, Wills M, Cunningham G. Molecular Genetics Metabolism. 2004 Apr;81 Suppl 1:S12-9.
- Increased prevalence of the HFE C282Y hemochromatosis allele in women with breast cancer. Kallianpur AR, Hall LD, Yadav M, Christman BW, Dittus RS, Haines JL, Parl FF, Summar ML. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2004 Feb;13(2):205-12.